
Di Gennaro


Notes of fire AND crystalline talent

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Step into the suspenseful world of Fiamma Di Gennaro

She plays music that no one knows but that everyone understands. Her melody lights up the soul, transporting us into a vortex of passion and virtuosity.

Swan Lake - Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij

(more than 2.5 million views oN social platforms)


Was born in Rome (Italy) in 2004 and began studying music at the age of five with maestros Di Carlo, Visco, Genuini and maestro Mercuri at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. She continued her Oboe studies at the L'Aquila Conservatory A. Casella with maestro Mutalipassi and moved afterwards to the F.A. Bonporti Conservatory in Trento and Riva del Garda (Italy) with maestros Tomasi and Cassetta where she obtained her Bachelor's Degree in 2023 with a grade of 110/110 cum laude and honourable mention at only eighteen years old.

He began his professional career at the age of 19 and currently holds the position of Oboe Solo in the Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester in Germany

My approach

Music is my breath, the air that nourishes my soul, it is a language without borders. Each musical phrase is a journey into the unknown, a bridge between the visible and the invisible. The oboe is my magic wand and the scores are my magic spells.


Fiamma Di Gennaro, a young oboist of extraordinary talent, began her musical journey in Rome. Her notes, crystalline as dew drops, enchanted listeners from the very first steps. Growing up among scores and melodies, Fiamma learned to dance with the oboe, to make it vibrate with passion and mastery. Her music is a spell that spreads through the air, enveloping anyone who listens to it. Each concert is a journey into the unknown, an experience that burns in the heart

Bachelor of Academic Conservatory course - Oboe

F.A. Bonporti Conservatory of Trento, Italy

Degree with a grade of 110/110 cum laude and honourable mention

Master's Degree of Academic Conservatory course - Oboe

A. Steffani Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto, Italy

In progress with Master Marco Gironi

Master's Degrees of Higher Education in Oboe

National Accademy of Santa Cecilia of Roma, Italy

Philarmonic Accademy of Bologna, Italy

Oboe Accademy of Udine, Italy

International Masters

Di Rosa, Leleux, Mayer, Vignali, Schilli, Thouand, Daniels, Orlando, Ogrintchouk, Pollastri, Ortega Quero, Sommerhalder and Calvi

Collaborations with Orchestras

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Youth Orchestra of Rome, Orchestra Giovanile Trentina, Symphony Orchestra of the Conservatory Bonporti of Trento and Riva del Garda, Youth Symphony Orchestra, Trento Youth Symphonic Band Orchestra, International Youth Orchestra Euregio, Matteo Goffriller Youth Symphony Orchestra of South Tyrol, Alpen Classical Orchestra, Alpen Synphonie Orchestra, Turin Philharmonic Orchestra, Objective Orchestra of Saluzzo and many others

Body of work


Marcello - Oboe Concerto

A passionate dialogue between the solo oboe and the orchestra. Agile and vibrant notes intertwine, creating an atmosphere of elegance and virtuosity. A jewel of the oboe repertoire.


Cimarosa - Oboe Concerto

A passionate dialogue between the solo oboe and the orchestra. Agile and vibrant notes intertwine, creating an atmosphere of elegance and virtuosity. A jewel of the oboe repertoire.


Poulenc - Sonata

A captivating chamber work that showcases the composer's distinctive blend of lyricism and wit. Written in the mid-20th century, it features expressive melodies intertwined with playful rhythmic elements, reflecting Poulenc's signature style.


Saint-Saens - Oboe Sonata

A passionate dialogue between the solo oboe and the orchestra. Agile and vibrant notes intertwine, creating an atmosphere of elegance and virtuosity. A jewel of the oboe repertoire.


Rubstov - Roses of Heliogabalus

A fiery melody, woven with hope and passion. A woman, mistreated by society, dances through the city streets, defying cowardice. In her body, an invitation to rebellion. In her heart, the search for an instant of happiness with her beloved.


Oscar Navarro - Legacy

"Legacy" Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra is a contemporary masterpiece that seamlessly combines traditional orchestral elements with modern compositional techniques. Written for the oboe, it showcases the instrument's versatility and expressive capabilities.


Renaud Patalowski

President of Marigaux

“Fiamma is one of the most promising young seed of Italy. We will be happy to follow her career in the next coming years”

Albrecht Mayer

Principal Oboe of Berliner Orchestra

“Fiamma you play the oboe as Cecilia Bartoli sang”

Ivan Podyomov

Oboe Solo of Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra


Stefania Giusti

Principal Oboe of Teatro Massimo Bellini

“Brava Fiamma !!!”

Oscar Navarro


“Congratulates You on the results and thanks you for choosing my work”

Luca Vignali


“"Well done Fiamma!"”

Jérôme Guichard

Professeur de hautbois of CRR de Paris


Ciro Visco

Director of the Choir of the Rome Opera House

“Well done!!”


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XIV National Arts Award

(MIUR italy pna)

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International Anton Rubistein Competition 2023

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LISMA Int. Music Competition New York (USA) 2023

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International Mozart Vienna Competition 2023

"Elevating creativity, honoring talent: The National Arts Award celebrates excellence in the arts."

"Unleashing musical brilliance: The International Anton Rubinstein Competition 2023 sets the stage for global talent to shine."

"Experience musical excellence: LISMA International Music Competition in New York (USA) 2023 raises the bar for global talent."

"Harmonizing talent worldwide: International Mozart Vienna Competition 2023 celebrates musical brilliance."

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London Int.Concerto Competition 2023

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5° Int. Moscow Music

Competition 2021

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Opus Int. Music Competition Poland 2021

"Spotlighting virtuosity: London's International Concerto Competition 2023 unveils global talent."

"5th International Moscow Music Competition 2021: Celebrating excellence in global music."

"Opus Int. Music Competition Poland 2021: Showcasing global musical talent at its finest."


Gold International Classical Music Competition 2023, International Artists Competition 2023, VII Danubia Talents International Music Competition Online 2022, Birmingham International Music Competition 2022, 23° Concorso Internazionale Valsesia Musica Juniores 2022 Premio Monterosa - Kawai, IMC International Music Competition 2022, International BTHVN Wien Music Competition 2022, Amadeus International Music Awards 2022, Tokyo International Youth Competition 2022, Music Competition Online 2022, Music and Starts Awards 2022, Valencia Awards Summer Session 2022, Concours International de Jeunes Musicines de Talent "Nouvelles Etoiles" 2022, London Classical Music Competition 2022, Tiziano Rossetti International Music Competition 2021, Kings Peak International Music Competition 2021, X International Music Competition Amigdala 2021, London Young Musician 2021, Hong Kong International Young Musicians Competition 2021, Domenico Savino International Music Competition 2021, Royal Sound Music Competition 2021, VCMA-International Classical Music 2021, V Concorso Internazionale per giovani Oboisti "Luca Figaroli" 2019, 8' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Città di Penne 2019, Clara Wieck Schumann 6° Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale 2019, 20' Concorso Nazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Riviera Etrusca 2019, 2' Premio Musicale "Laszlo' Spezzaferri" 2019, Virtuoso International Music Competition 2019, Premio "Campus delle Arti 2019" 2019, 17' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale "Premio Città di Padova" 2019, 12' Concorso Nazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Città di Piove di Sacco 2019, 10' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale "Giovani Musicisti" Città di Treviso 2018, 1' Concorso Internazionale Musicale "Giovani Talenti" Città di Gorizia 2018, American Virtuoso International Music Competition 2018, 16' Concorso Internazionale di Musica "Città di Caserta" 2017, XXVI Concorso "Riviera della Versilia" 2017, IV' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale 2017, Napoli Nova Concorso Internazionale 2016, European Music Competition Città di Moncalieri 2016, Premio Crescendo 2016, 1' Concorso Musicale Città di Isola del Liri 2016, XXIII Concorso Internazionale ANEMOS 2016, VI Concorso Internazionale di Intepretazione Musicale "Euterpe" 2015, Concorso per Giovani Musicisti "Adotta un Musicista" 2015 ...


Radiant and Critically Acclaimed Musical Growth


Her career is already studded with concerts in national ​and international contexts, including the Chamber of ​Deputies in Rome, the Musikverein in Vienna, Paris and ​London. In addition, Fiamma has taken part in numerous ​radio and television programmes, including the very ​popular 'Uno Mattina in Famiglia' on Rai 1 and the very ​popular 'Suite' broadcast on Rai Radio 3, where she was ​interviewed by Riccardo Giagni and Andrea Penna.

Did you know that Fiamma's brother, Jacopo, is also a talented Oboist? Click here to find out more

Fiamma plays a

Marigaux 901 oboe